We Gets Up


“Yeah, we crushin’ the man”

These two are nothing but trouble. With their powers sets they could easily take over the world. Lily is nearly God tier powerful and Emil is a ridiculously skilled mercenary – the man always has knives on him, he sleeps with them under his pillow. Luckily Lily doesn’t want to be the ruler of the world and Emil is perfectly happy being a bartender.

I actually love how this came out. It was based off a ref of a knight saving a princess BUT since Lily doesn’t need saving I turned it into another ‘fight team’ pic of them. Despite how much they fight each other they do make an amazing team. I love how they’re holding on to each other – it’s like Emil is holding her to keeping himself steady as he throws and she’s holding him to keep track of him. They’re both a little too happy about attacking people. Pretty sure who ever it is they have it coming.

Can you tell I’ve been watching Black Panther over and over? I decided that these two are always going to be wearing matching bracelets 🙂

See these two in action in Happy Hour!



You could make a drinking game out of the amount of times I draw Kiddo examining her own powers. She does it once an issue at least and it’s my go to pose for her stand alone pictures. It’s always impressive. Especially when you consider how far I’ve come. I’m really trying to get a handle on this 1/4 angle – it’s kicking my ass. Still looks bizarre to me, might look better in the panels of the comic – make those standard profile shots look more dynamic. :shrug: My favorite part of Kiddo is all that luscious red hair. I knew I wanted her to be wearing green before I even drew her clothes. Can you tell that I’m been reading X-men lately? Thought I’d draw my own all powerful ginger and flex my technique and fashion muscle a little. Not really a fan of X-men Blue cause it’s a friggin mess. Gold and Red are by far my favorites because it has my man as a main character. Just got done reading Phoenix Resurrection and I’m gonna dive into some Rogue and Gambit just cause I love them so much

Get Illegal Tender: Happy Hour on Amazon!

Issue #5 Has arrived!

It’s here!!! ILLEGAL TENDER ISSUE #5: HELL OF A SEASON!! The listing will be up tomorrow 🙂 #comics #comic #manga #art #drawing #comicbook #illegaltender #illegaltendercomic #awesome #sugoi #illustration

Strange Relationship


These two – I swear. Their relationship is unique to say the least. They’re not as grossly romantic as Sonya and Darkly. But man do they love each other. Emil has never met a woman as intense as Lily. She loves to shoot. And she loves to train. There isn’t really anyone who can keep up with Emil until Lily comes along and they bond over her desire for revenge. And then once she’s gotta that revenge they just keep it up because why not. I’m glad I get to show their aspect of the relationship in the comic. Issue #3 shows him really teaching her and by Issue #5 they are go from being ‘frienemies’ to ‘sweet on each other’. Blink and you’ll miss it but the development is there… and then there’s what happened at the end of issue #6.

Anyway just a little something of these two that’s less cuddly. Nothing says ‘LOVE’ like kickboxing with your OTL without padding

Get their love story today!!


This Could Be Us


“Forever and ever in love”

Taking a selfie with the 7+ is a two hand job. I found that when posing with someone else they actually have to hit the shutter button and that’s what’s happening here. The live photo feature caught Luc pulling back from pushing the button 🙂 Haven’t drawn these two in a while and they’re just so damn cute I thought this up when I was going through the pages of issue #6.

Oh these precious babies. All the stuff I have planned for them in the comic – I really hope their relationship lasts but… JK I just haven’t written what happened to them after everything yet. Cause issue #7 is crazy. It’s scheduled for next year spring time – I promise. And as far as sad and shocking events these two get off relatively easy compared to everyone else.

This Could Be Us is a Prince song
See Erol and Luc in Illegal Tender


Around the World in a Day


Something I managed to do between cooking and shopping… and talking selfies if you follow me on instagram
Zen partaking in her favorite passtime – reading about her favorite superhero – The Flash. In a TPB of course. Zen loves the Flash because they have the same power and people love him. See Zen live in a world where people hate super powered people. She may be a speedster but she runs knowing she’s one step away from being locked in a jail cell for the rest of her life. But it doesn’t keep her from using her powers. Her mother taught her not live in fear. To be who she is no matter what. And Zen takes pride in the fact that no one can catch her. She can make it around the world in a day…

I wanted to add something else to this but I noticed too late that the perspective is off  Still love it cause look at that beautiful face.

Catch Zen in the pages of Illegal Tender




‘Eternity is just one kiss’

Oh my precious baby redheads. They’re so freakin cute when they get all lovey. I always find their stand alone pictures to be a very funny difference between how they act in the comic. I imagine this takes place a few years after the comic. They’ve both grown on each other 🙂 Emil loves Kiddo so much he even finds clothes that sport her jersey number. After some years Kiddo becomes Sonya’s model for her clothing line. Emil continued to wear fatigues like they’re still cool. Poor baby. I had imagined this is the back entrance of the church Emil attends. He attends mass and she meets him there so they can walk to work/home together. But today they are in no particular hurry so they sit and enjoy the over grown garden. Since Emil is the whitest man ever and his powers make him sensitive to temperature he turns red in the nippy air. Kiddo is blushing because he’s touching her butt. I rarely draw her with her hair up in stand alone pics but the girl in the ref had a high bun I just had to pay homage. After some thought I decided to just make him standard Christian. At first I was going to make him follow Catholicism seeing how he’s French-Creole but he’s a former addict and the religion they turn to is usually just basic Christianity.

So glad I finally got to finish this! The first day I tried PS kept crashing whenever I loaded a new brush. Second day was wasted waiting for a system update. Third day was more updates that slowed my tablets productivity to a crawl but I buckled down and got this done. Wanted to draw them in a more serious romance than their halloween picture – I love that this couple can do both. This scene was heavily reference from a couple pic I found on pinterest: https://pin.it/wa1qGXM. I was going to make another tutorial video on how to ‘search for and work from references’ but honestly all I do if go to Pinterest and search ‘couple ref’ and keep it moving. Yes, that’s legit what I do for a ref. Pinterest has better images than Google. Google uses stock photos. Stock photos tend to be stiff because they are staged and that can come across in your drawings. The couple I ref’ed are more than likely a real couple or they are incredibly comfortable with each other to put this cozy pose off.

4Ever is of course a Prince song

Emil and Kiddo star in Illegal Tender – get issues 1-4 today!!

Happy Halloween


Oh poor Emil – he’s not at all prepared to have such a sexy girlfriend. Thought of this yesterday – what would the crew of the I.T. bar dress up like for halloween. Well Emil’s go-to costume it of course a vampire. He already has the widows peak and naturally big, pointy teeth and he’s just so freakin pale. In fact a lot of people have noted his similarity to my actually vampire character Samael. I ended up using nearly the same color palette when creating them they are actually not related at all. Anyway, when Emil tells Kiddo that their couples costume should be vampires Kiddo knew exactly how to get his goat. She dressed up like the classic comic femme fatale: Vampirella. LOL

Happy Halloween from the crew of I.T

Get 10% off in the I.T. store – ends in two days!


Starfish and Coffee


It’s what she had for breakfast. LOL

After that Kiddo picture nearly killed me I wanted to do something simpler and Del was next in the rotation. Haven’t drawn a portrait of the boss lady in a minute and she has such pretty eyes. Del’s appearance is based off of Lisa Edelstein (Dr. Cuddy from House) and she has an amazing smile. Check it out in the ref I used for this: pin.it/hxkiHWT Even tho I kept this simple it still took me 8 hours. Mostly fiddling with that lace and the coffee mug design – it originally had words on it but since her hand blocked most of it I went with cracked ceramic design but it seemed too gloomy and I imagine Del’s coffee mugs are very cutesy because Zen buys them for her so I landed on pink and hearts 🙂

My precious little Della Rae… she can toss a car with her pinky. I love her ❤

Starfish and Coffee is a Prince song
Del stars in Illegal Tender – get issue 1-4 here!!
